



Decorator to expose a ctl plugin's method - permissions will be checked before method is executed



def __call__(self, fn)

Call self as a function.


def __init__(self, namespace, level=None, explicit=False)

Keyword Arguments

  • namespace (str): permissioning namespace, has the following formatting variables available:
    • plugin: the plugin instance
    • plugin_name: name of the plugin instance as defined in config
    • any arguments passed to the method by argument name
  • level (function|str|None): permission level to check.
    • If a function is passed it is expected to return a permission level string. The function will be passed the plugin instance as an argument.
    • If a string is passed it is expected to be a permission level string
    • If None is passed, permission level will be obtained from the plugin's config and default to r
  • explicit (bool=False): If true will enable explicit namespace checking